News & Analysis

Motion 312 to study if a child in the womb is a human, scheduled for vote September 26, 2012

Conservative MP Stephen Woodworth’s office has announced that Motion 312 has been scheduled in Parliament for its second hour of debate on Friday, September 21, 2012. Members of Parliament will debate Woodworth's Motion which seeks to establish a committee to study modern medical science in relation to a 400-year old law in Canada's Criminal Code which erroneously asserts that the child in the womb does not become a human being until the moment of complete birth.

A vote on the Motion will take place Wednesday September 26th.  You can watch the vote live around 6 pm at

Please contact your federal MP by phone, in writing and if possible in person, and urge them to vote in favour of Motion 312. 

Find your MP here, and then click the CONTACT tab to obtain their phone and other details.

The text of the Motion can read here.

To download a blank petition in support of Motion 312, click here.