CLC Blog

CLC Blog

I will huff and puff and blow your house down

There is certainly something in the wind. Gale force winds. Eventually when I think about what has been happening in Ontario, I am reminded of the Big Bad Wolf telling the Three Little Pigs: “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blooooowww your house down!” Kathleen Wynne means it. 
In June 2015, just as most Ontario parents were wrapping up the school year and gearing up for summer childcare and holidays, the first of three puffs came.

The Affirming Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Act, banned psychiatric therapy for children preventing doctors from “carry[ing] out any practice that seeks to change or direct the sexual orientation or gender identity of a patient under 18 years of age.” It also banned funding for “any services rendered that seek to change or direct the sexual orientation or gender identity of a patient, including efforts to change or direct the patient’s behaviour or gender expression,” In all this, Bill 77 over-rides parental authority by making it virtually impossible for the ones who want to seek help for their children. National Post columnist Barbara Kay covered the story with aplomb.

About a year and a half later, this same government introduced Bill 28, the All Families are Equal Act, which like Bill 77, passed without a peep from the Progressive Conservatives at Queens Park. The social experiment on Ontario children continues using “equality” as the cover for creating law that does away with references to mother, father and natural parents from Ontario statutes, and removes the presumption in law that children have only two parents. As John Sikkema points out in his National Post piece, “Up to four unrelated and unmarried adults can sign a contract entitling them to be legal parents to a child without being biological parents, applying to court for declarations of parentage, or adopting.

What could go wrong?

The third but probably not final gust has been tabled recently. It will be up for debate in March but will easily pass since there is no Official Opposition to Wynne’s social agenda. Bill 89, titled Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act is reviewed here, again by John Sikkema from ARPA. Now the decision for foster care placement has to consider the gender identity and gender expression of children, if their parents appear to reject these notions. Parents who question their children’s gender dysphoria could trigger teacher reporting and even a Children’s Aid intervention. It signals a seismic shift to imposing gender identity, independent of sex, onto families. There is still time to quickly lobby your MPP against voting for this bill.

These fundamental changes to the understanding of parents, let alone parental authority, have taken place with the backdrop of the sex-ed curriculum. There is still a diversity of parents rejecting it. Too much, too soon is the unified objection. But this diversity and this unity is not the photo-op of the day.

A fury has been unleashed and I see only one reason. The big ol’ family is a glaring obstacle to a new family. The one that doesn’t love its children. The one that calls the State, mommy. Kathleen Wynne and our lame-duck Leader of the Opposition, are intent on de-constructing that ol’ one. 

She will huff and puff and blooooow your house down. The question remains the same as it has been down through the ages. On what have you built your house? 


*This blog first appeared on

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