News & Analysis

WANTED: pro-life & pro-family municipal candidates

On October 22nd, Ontario will hold province-wide municipal elections.

CLC is urging our pro-life/pro-family supporters to consider running as candidates for the October municipal elections in any of the following offices:  

  • Catholic school board trustee
  • Public school board trustee
  • City/town Councillor
  • Mayor
  • Regional Councillor
  • Regional Chair

It's often the case that the more local the level of government, the more directly those decisions affect us in our day-to-day lives with respect to issues of respect for life, and family values.  

Trustees, Councillors and Mayors have a tremendous amount of influence on issues relating to abortion, parental rights, free speech and family values.

School trustees for example, can accept, modify or reject sex ed curriculums, especially in Catholic boards. They can accept or reject third party campaigns, posters and guest speakers that professional sex activists routinely bring into schools to pollute our children's imaginations and to eradicate the religious beliefs taught at home.

Trustees can develop or introduce programs that teach the values of purity, self-respect and chastity. They can decide to stop offending Christian families and those of other faith traditions by no longer flying the homosexual pride flag over schools, a growing trend with public school boards

City Councillors and Mayors can provide or withhold funding to organizations that promote abortion and ideological LGBTTIQ agendas. They can making decisions on things such as whether to fly the homosexual pride flag over city hall.

There's a very dangerous trend arising wherein City Councils are passing bylaws to censor pro-life and pro-family expression on taxpayer-owned, public sidewalks, and to ban messages with which they personally disagree on billboards and other advertising venues.  See examples here and here.

Would you consider running for municipal office in order to bring your pro-life-and-family convictions to the local School Board or City Council chamber?

Please also note that unlike in the past, school trustees now receive significant salaries in compensation for their time commitment, as an incentive for quality individuals to seek public service.

Please pray about running for municipal office. If you do not feel God calling you to this form of discipleship, then please approach others in your circle of influence whom you think would be ideal, and ask them to consider running.

And then, please let CLC know by emailing us so that we can help prospective candidates become successful.

The closing date for filing your nomination papers with your local municipality to become an eligible candidate is Friday, July 27th.

Thanks, and God bless,

The Campaign Life Coalition Team