Pierre Lemieux - Record


Below are the key criteria considered by CLC in rating Pierre Lemieux with an "A+" score for the Conservative Party Leadership race.  



Stance on abortion

Perfect voting record in parliament. Outspoken and unapologetic on pro-life and pro-family issues.

Stance on euthanasia


Willing to re-open abortion debate?


Enact government legislation to protect unborn children?


How he voted on radical bill to invent fake new rights to "gender identity" and "gender expression"


(Voted against previous NDP incarnations of the Liberal bill C-16, on transgenderism / gender theory)

Has he pledged to repeal gender identity bill if becomes Prime Minister?


Marched in Gay Pride Parade?


Other notable factors

Pierre Lemieux has done a remarkable job of promoting respect for social conservative values, and in particular, for the legitimacy of social conservative voices inside the Conservative Party of Canada. 

Lemieux has taken every public opportunity during leadership debates and in media interviews to advocate unapologetically for pro-life and pro-family values.  In particular, he has tackled political correctness as something that "is strangling free and respectful debate in Canada" and which "has to stop". He has taken special aim at the Liberal government's gender identity bill as a threat to free speech in Canada. 

In articulating traditional values so well, Lemieux, along with Brad Trost, have helped cause some pro-abortion candidates to reach out to social conservatives during this leadership race, promising them a seat at the table should they become Party Leader, and even support for social conservative policies.

CLC asks pro-life/pro-family voters to rank Pierre Lemieux at the top of the ballot, along with Brad Trost.


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