Action Centre

Demand the Ontario Legislature Repeal Totalitarian Bill 89

Background on the Issue
Bill 89, or the Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017, passed by a vote of 63 to 23 on June 1 at Queen’s Park.

It allows the state to potentially take away children from parents who do not adopt the Liberal government’s delusional gender ideology and, in effect, it prevents couples who also reject this ideology from adopting or fostering children. While “gender identity” and “gender expression” are added as factors to be considered “in the best interests of the child,” no longer will the religious faith in which the parents are raising the child be considered as a factor. This bill furthers the government’s dangerous intrusion into the lives of families and their very homes, and it must be repealed by this government or the next.

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Local MPP
Repeal Bill 89
Dear M.P.P. [Recipient's name will be automatically inserted],

As a [Recipient's riding name will be automatically inserted] constituent, I would like to request your help in repealing Bill 89.

The bill, as you may know, adds “gender identity” and “gender expression” as factors to be considered “in the best interests of the child.” However, there is much evidence that puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone therapy, and sex reassignment surgery can actually have negative consequences—physical and psychological. Also, a report published in The New Atlantis - A Journal of Technology & Society in Fall 2016 stated that: “Only a minority of children who experience cross-gender identification will continue to do so into adolescence or adulthood.” It is thus important for parents to have discretion in this realm, which they are not afforded when the Children’s Aid Society is breathing down their necks thanks to Bill 89.

Furthermore, having reservations regarding the benefit of changing the hormones or body parts of a child with gender dysphoria should not disqualify couples from adopting or fostering children. They are perfectly capable of caring for a child, and denying them this opportunity is unfair to both them and to children awaiting foster or adoptive families.

It should be apparent that Bill 89 is problematic and should not remain in effect. It is important that it be repealed. I and many others would appreciate if you took initiative on this issue.
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