CLC Blog

CLC Blog

Wicked officials gotta go in B.C.

This is a time-sensitive message to all pro-life and pro-family CLC supporters across British Columbia.

We’re just days away from the registration deadline for this fall’s municipal elections …

And we need good men and women to step forward as candidates so we can take back our schools and local governments.

Day by day, children are being brainwashed in the classroom to reject God’s moral laws, and city councils are abusing their power to normalize immorality.

Friday, September 9th, is the last day to hand in nomination forms for would-be school trustees, city councillors, and mayors.

It’s not a decision to be made lightly, and I appreciate the level of sacrifice we’re talking about here …

The truth is, no one should dive “head-first” into this without giving it serious thought and prayer – because all the work we do across the pro-life movement is always rooted in faith and reason.

But here’s the thing …

If we’re to have any hope of reclaiming our local school boards and city councils from the morally bankrupt officials who are in charge now …

Then we need God-fearing men and women to take up the cross and take a run at public office.

If we don’t get the right people elected on October 15th, then we’re going to face even tougher battles in the years ahead.

On the school level, for example, the boards are awash in Gender Identity Theory and anti-Christian, secular influences. In fact, LGBT activists are already clamouring to inject even more of their radical propaganda into the classroom.

In BC, we know of at least one case where teachers and staff assisted an under-age student to “transition” to the opposite sex, while keeping it secret from her father.

There are certainly many more such cases in B.C. that we never hear about because the beleaugered parents lack the financial resources to go to court, and are afraid to speak out.

Things aren’t much better on the council level, either, with city after city showing no shame in promoting anti-Christian values that are counter to biblical teaching on marriage and family.

The good news is, by God’s grace we can stop this, but not if we sit idly by.

So, if you’re interested in putting your name forward to make a difference in your local community, let us know by sending us an email at [email protected].

If you don’t feel as though you’re being called to serve in public office, maybe you know someone who would be a perfect fit. If that’s the case, then please encourage those individuals to run – and tell them to get in touch with us if they have any questions.

Don’t forget: the deadline to register is NEXT Friday, September 9th.

To register as a candidate, go to your local town hall (city hall) and ask the Town Clerk (or City Clerk) for the candidate nomination form. Alternately, you can look it up on your local municipality’s website.

If you need assistance finding the nomination form, please contact us with your name, the name of your town, and whether you want to run for school board trustee or City Councillor. We’ll try looking it up for you.

