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CLC Blog

UPDATE: 2024 National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day

I have important news to share with you about the second annual National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day.

The latest update is that we’re extending the dates to run between May 31 to June 4, and the reason is simple.

Initially, we wanted to schedule the national walk-out for June 1st, the date on which school boards typically start celebrating LGBT “Pride” month, but this year, that day falls on a Saturday.

So, we thought we’d move the protest to the Monday, but a number of supporters informed us that some school boards are holding a professional development day for teachers on June 3rd, and that means one of two things …

Schools will either choose to raise the rainbow flag early, like on Friday, May 31st, or they might wait until Tuesday, June 4th.

That’s why I needed to send you this email about extending the time frame for this year’s National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day.

This way, we can cover all the potential dates on which that profoundly immoral flag might be raised.

So, if you have children or grandchildren in the publicly-funded school system, whether secular or Catholic, you might want to consider keeping them home throughout that entire period.

For more background on our second annual National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day, please have a look at the announcement on our website.

The indoctrination surrounding the transgender/homosexual “Pride” flags in our schools is insidious. The “rainbow of perversion” covers an ever-growing list of sexual behaviours and ideologies that run contrary to God’s plan for traditional marriage and the family, and it’s always getting worse.

For example, in a recent puff-piece clearly designed to normalize polygamy, Justin Trudeau’s favourite state media outlet, the CBC, noted the connection between the rise in polyamorous “relationships” and the LGBT community, and called for Canadian law to “catch up”.

From the CBC article:

“[P]eople who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ are more likely to have practised consensual non-monogamy than people who identify as heterosexual. That's echoed by Egale Canada, which explains that people in polyamorous relationships ‘are free to express their sexuality regardless of gender.’"

The CBC reference to homosexual and transgender lobby group, EGALE Canada, in this story, reveals a lot about LGBT ideology. 

EGALE is the leading advocate for LGBT “Pride” ideology here in Canada. If any group is the standard bearer for the Pride flag, it is them.

And now, we get the impression that EGALE is working with the CBC in what appears to be a campaign to normalize polyamory and polygamy!

This makes it legitimate and necessary to question whether the LGBT Pride flag will one day soon include the fight for “equal rights” for polygamists and those who believe in “open marriages”.

Will it take long for that messaging to trickle down into our children’s classrooms and be championed as part of Pride Month celebrations at school?

Might we soon see a new letter added to the 2SLGBTQ+ rainbow alphabet – P for polygamy?

It's another reason why this year’s National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day is so important, and why we need your help to spread the word.

There’s one more important thing I can’t forget …

Please pray for the success of this endeavour, and for all the teachers and administrators who we’re trying to reach through these efforts, that God will send His Holy Spirit to touch their hearts and open their eyes to the evils of the gender ideology and LGBT propaganda infecting our schools …

And please pray for all the students who are subjected to the hyper-sexualized indoctrination they’re being exposed to throughout the school year, but especially in June.

P.S. In addition to emptying the classrooms, we’re also encouraging those who happen to be Catholic, to join us at a number of “Pray-in” events at the office of various Catholic Bishops or Catholic school boards. If you’d like to participate in a Pray-in event on June 3rd, please let us know by filling out this form here. A list of pray-in locations may be found here.

P.P.S. Here’s a flyer for downloading a poster to help you promote the 2nd Annual National "Pride" Flag Walk-Out Day at your local church, school, or other social network: DOWNLOAD POSTER

