
Archdiocese of Toronto Pray-In

Archdiocese of Toronto Pray-In

November 12, 2019 @ 12:00pm
Where: Archdiocese of Toronto Offices: 1155 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M4T 1W2

According to the Agenda Package from the TCDSB’s November 7th board meeting, the Archdiocese of Toronto agreed to adding the anti-Christian terms “Gender Identity” and “Gender Expression” to the school board’s Code of Conduct, with the proviso that transgender ideology would be “interpreted” through the lens of Church teaching. 

Of course, everyone knows that no such lens exists. It is a fiction designed to soothe the concerns of faithful Catholics, without actually doing anything to preserve Catholic teaching in our schools. Everyone, including His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, knows that the same Catholic teachers who march in the annual gay pride parade in total defiance of Catholic teaching, will also promote transgender ideology to Catholic children, thus attacking the image of God in creation, which Sacred Scripture tells us is revealed through our male and female sexual identities (Gen 1: 27).

Cardinal Collins knows that gender ideology is evil and the consequences of it being approved in the Code of Conduct will be devastating. But, by accepting these terms, the Archdiocese and the Cardinal are abandoning thousands of parents, teachers and families who are standing up to this ideology’s assault on our children’s souls, and the society at large. Together, through the power of prayer, we hope His Eminence will be moved to reverse the Archdiocesan acceptance of these terms, and forbid the Trustees from voting to add ‘Gender Identity’ and ‘Gender Expression’ to the Code of Conduct. Moreover, we encourage His Eminence and the Archdiocese to defend the four trustees who voted in line with Church teaching, as they face hatred and persecution from the School Board and the media.

Please join us for this pray-in. We ask all participants to be respectful to His Eminence, and to join us for quiet, peaceful prayer.

- Include yourself