
Car Rally to protect children from Wynne sex-ed

December 5, 2015 @ 11:00am
Where: meet at: Holy Virgin & Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Cathedral - 455 Ferrier St., Markham, ON

View a blow-up detail of the route map by clicking here.

Get directions to the starting location by clicking here.

Download a printable poster here

Flags & Bumper Stickers: PAO will have plenty of car flags on hand, which are available for $5 a pair. It is recommended that each vehicle carries 4 flags, one for each window. However, only a limited supply of bumper stickers have been pre-printed. So if you want a bumper sticker for $3 each, please email PAO and reserve the quantity you’d like. PAO can order more bumper stickers before Saturday if they have sufficient pre-orders to justify it.

To "reserve" some car flags and stickers for your vehicle, email the Parents Alliance of Ontario by clicking here.


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