MP Andrew Scheer
Conservative Party, Regina - Qu'Appelle, SK

Also in June 2021, this MP voted against Justin Trudeau’s parental prosecution bill, C-6, which seeks to put parents in jail up to 5 years if they dare to affirm their gender-confused child in their biological sex.
In August 2019, Scheer departed from his pro-life past by promising journalists that he would "oppose" any attempts by backbench Conservative MPs to bring forward pro-life private members bills and motions. On September 12, 2019 Scheer crossed a final red line, pledging to the media that he would personally vote against any pro-life private members bill or motion that might ever be introduced by a backbench MP. In August, his spokespersons also boasted to the media about how Scheer actively supported an LGBTory policy resolution to abolish the party's long-time policy of supporting natural marriage between one man and one woman.
Scheer had an impeccable voting record on life & family issues during his long career as a federal MP. For many years, he earned the highest possible CLC Rating of "Pro-life, pro-family".
However, Scheer has drifted so far to the liberal left since becoming Leader of the Opposition, that we can no longer rate him either "Pro-life" or "Pro-family".
After announcing his bid for the Leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada, Scheer made the unfortunate decision to promise the liberal media that that his government would mimic Harper’s policy of not reopening the abortion debate. That is, of course, a denial of basic justice and civil rights to the 100,000+ children who are killed by abortion in Canada every year.
That stance also goes against the policy platform recently voted in by grassroots members of the party at the Vancouver Convention. The new policy declaration supports a ban on female gendercide abortions which target baby girls just because they’re girls. That's just a common sense policy which is supported not only by grassroots members, but also, overwhelmingly by Canadians in general. The Conservative Party's policy declaration also calls upon the Conservative government to implement legislation which punishes those who injure or kill an unborn child during a violent attack on his or her mother.
Another unfortunate comment was one he made during a televised interview in which Scheer suggested that pro-life legislation would not survive a constitutional challenge. That’s a problematic statement because it may be interpreted that Scheer believes there is a constitutional basis for the so-called “right” to kill children in-utero. That’s simply not true. Neither the Constitution nor the Charter espouses a right to abortion.
Further cause for concern about Scheer's ability to stand on principle in the long-term, came during the 2016 Conservative Party Policy Convention in Vancouver, where he caved under pressure from homosexual activists and their media allies, to abandon his principles on marriage and the natural family. At the Convention, Scheer spoke in favour of an anti-traditional marriage resolution advanced by a gay-activist lobby group. The resolution successfully struck down the Conservative Party's existing policy to support marriage between one man and one woman. Late in the leadership campaign, when feeling the competitive pressure for social conservative votes from Brad Trost and Pierre Lemieux, Scheer did add a couple of policies that would be beneficial to social conservatives and Canadians in general. These included a pledge to withhold taxpayer funds from universities that do not sufficiently protect free speech, and a $4000 tax credit for parents who private school or $1,000 for those who homeschool their children. Prior to the 2019 federal election however, he recanted both of those leadership policy promises.
Ever since the Leadership campaign, Scheer has continued to drift in an anti-family, pro-LGBTTIQ2S+ ideological direction. Under his leadership, the number of Conservatives marching in homosexual pride parades has flourished, obviously with the Leader's blessing. He has also adopted the propaganda terms used by the LGBT lobby and continued to signal that he supports the aims of the homosexual lobby. His spokespersons have said that Scheer supports homosexual "marriage".
So far left has Scheer drifted, that his office has disqualified and rejected Conservative nomination candidates over their public opposition to homosexual propaganda in schools, and to transgender ideology. The banned candidates were also pro-life and would have been powerful pro-life advocates.
Given the liberalization that Scheer has undergone, it is impossible for us to rate Andrew as "Pro-life" or "Pro-family". In order for his rating to change, he would have to recant some of his problematic statements, clearly state a pro-life and pro-family position statement, and offer some worthwhile socially-conservative policies. Only these public actions can undo the harm that Scheer has inflicted on his once proud CLC Rating.

Here is Andrew Scheer's voting record relating to life and family issues:
Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision | Vote | Score |
Motion 41 - a second attempt to end coercive federal Covid vaccine mandates This pro-freedom Motion, made by Conservative Party MP Michael Barrett, called on the Trudeau Liberal government to immediately lift all federal vaccine mandates, which have resulted in the termination of thousands of federally regulated employees, restrictions on the rights of Canadians to travel freely, and impediments to the free flow of goods across the Canadian border. This principled, scientifically-based, and freedom-defending Motion was tragically defeated on March 24, 2022 by a vote of 212 against to 117 in favour. |
Supported | ![]() |
Bill C-311 - 2nd Reading, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (violence against pregnant women) A principled bill introduced by stalwart pro-life Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall, C-311 sought to establish in law that knowingly assaulting a pregnant woman and causing physical or emotional harm to a pregnant woman are to be considered aggravating circumstances for sentencing purposes. This modest protection for pregnant women and acknowledgement of their special status as expectant mothers was supported by the entire Conservative caucus, but was defeated along predictable party lines by Justin Trudeau's pro-abortion Liberal government and the other left-wing parties at 2nd reading on June 14, 2023 by a vote of 205 - 113. |
Supported | ![]() |
Bill C-11, to apply censorship & total government control over the internet, 3rd reading This bill was written to end free speech on the internet, and to give the Trudeau Liberals soviet-style, authoritarian control over the information Canadians are allowed to read, see and hear. It places all internet and social media content under the bureaucratic control of the biased, far-left CRTC (Candian Radio-television & Telecommunications Commission). This law gives the agency the power to take down content that Liberals don't like, ban users who post it, and enforce algorithms that move Marxist left-wing content to the top of search results and suggested social media posts, thus cementing the power of government to indoctrinate the public, to bury Liberal scandals and keep corruption out of sight of Canadians, and even to influence elections to favour the Liberals. Christian, pro-life and conservative content will certainly be supressed and, in many cases, automatically blocked by algorithms. Bill C-11 passed on June 21, 2022 by a vote of 208 Yeas to 117 Nays. |
Opposed | ![]() |
Opposition Motion: Opioid Crisis - Motion calling on the Trudeau Liberal government to reverse it's hard-drug decriminalization experiment in BC and instead fund addiction treatment and recovery programs. This sensible and compassionate Opposition Motion, sponsored by Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre, called on the Justin Trudeau Liberal government to reverse it's disastrous 2022 policy that decriminalized all hard drugs in the province of British Columbia. Under the Liberal scheme, there are now no arrests, charges or seizures for personal possession of up to 2.5 grams of highly-addictive drugs like cocaine and heroin, or for potentially lethal opioids like fentanyl. The resulting increase in opioid deaths seems not to have deterred the Trudeau Liberals from continuing to push their "safe injection" ideology, as they have committed another $74 million to further entrench and intensify their experimental program. Sadly, this rational and laudable Conservative Motion was defeated on May 29, 2023 by a completely partisan vote of 209 - 113, with only the Conservatives suppporting the Motion, while the Liberals and all the other left-wing parties - NDP, Bloc Quebecois, and Green - opposed it. |
Supported | ![]() |
Bill C-314 - 2nd Reading, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying) An excellent bill introduced by pro-life Conservative MP Ed Fast, C-314 sought to stop the Trudeau government from expanding its euthanasia regime to include the killing of Canadians who request assisted suicide based solely on their psychiatric or psychological condition. Bill C-314 would have ensured that vulnerable people who suffer with mental illness may be treated with positive, life-affirming therapies instead of being offered a deadly “final solution” to their condition. This compassionate and life-protecting bill was supported by the entire Conservative caucus and - astonishingly - by the generally pro-euthanasia NDP and Green Party caucuses as well, and even by eight self-possessed Liberal MPs; nevertheless, it was opposed and ultimately defeated by the vast majority of pro-death Justin Trudeau Liberals, along with the entire radical Bloc Québécois caucus. The vote took place at 2nd reading of the bill on October 18, 2023, with the bill being defeated by a fairly narrow vote margin of 167 - 150. |
Supported | ![]() |
Bill C-278 - 2nd Reading, An Act to prevent the imposition by the federal government of vaccination mandates for employment and travel Introduced by pro-life Conservative MP Dean Allison, the medical freedom Bill C-278 aimed to prevent agencies of the Government of Canada from infringing upon the Charter of Rights and Freedoms by requiring, as a condition of employment, that federal employees receive a vaccine against COVID-19. In addition, the bill sought to prevent the government from imposing travel bans that would prohibiting a person from boarding an aircraft, a train or a vessel solely on the basis of not receiving a vaccine against COVID-19. It should be noted that all COVID-19 vaccines are abortion-tainted, having been formulated and/or tested using the ghoulish practice of exploiting the remains of an aborted baby's body. Bill C-278 was defeated at 2nd Reading on October 25, 2023 by a vote of 206 - 114, with all 114 affirmative votes coming from the Conservative Party, while every single vote against this freedom-defending bill was cast by the pro-death Liberal, NDP, Bloc Québécois, and Green parties. |
Supported | ![]() |
Motion to end coercive vaccine mandates This pro-freedom Motion, introduced by the Conservative Party's Interim Leader Candice Bergen, called on the Trudeau Liberal government to table a plan for ending its punitive, unscientific, and cruel Covid restrictions - including the mandating of abortion-tainted Covid vaccines - by February 28, 2022. Shamefully, the Motion was defeated on February 14, 2022 by a vote of 185 against to 151 in favour. |
Supported | ![]() |
Emergencies Act: To grant Justin Trudeau totalitarian, police state powers so that he could shut down a peaceful protest against unconstitutional federal mandates forcing Canadians to take abortion-tainted COVID injections, regardless of conscientious objections. The Emergencies Act (i.e. martial law), was used to shut down a peaceful freedom protest by blue collar workers in Ottawa. Trudeau seized the bank accounts of hundreds of peaceful protesters without due process, arrested them, and ordered police action which saw protestors trampled by horses, shot with rubber bullets, beaten with batons, and pepper sprayed while peacefully demanding the return of their rights and freedoms after 2 years of government oppression. Sadly, it passed by a vote of 185 to 151 on February 21, 2022. |
Opposed | ![]() |
Bill C-233 - 2nd Reading, to criminalize sex-selective abortion. This principled bill, introduced by pro-life Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall, sought to protect all babies in the womb from being killed by abortion specifically because of their sex. Sex-selective abortion is typically committed in cultures that favour male children over female, and is a form of femicide. Despite support from 68% of Conservative Party MPs for this modicum of protection for the unborn, Bill C-233 was defeated on June 2, 2021 at 2nd Reading by a vote of 248 to 82, with all attending members of the rabidly pro-abortion Liberal, NDP, Green, and Bloc Québécois parties voting unanimously against it. |
Supported | ![]() |
Bill C-10 - 3rd Reading, to establish totalitarian Internet Censorship This legislation by the Justin Trudeau Liberals is reminiscent of the actions of past Communist and Nazi regimes to eradicate the free speech rights of the Party’s political or ideological opponents, and thus establish a total dictatorship. Bill C-10 would impose government censorship over the internet, allowing the Liberal government to censor any conservative or Christian speech with which Justin Trudeau disagrees. The Trudeau Liberals would achieve this by placing the entirety of the Canadian internet under the bureaucratic auspices of the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission). The CRTC will then regulate the internet’s content for diversity, prioritizing “Canadians from racialized communities and Canadians of diverse ethnocultural backgrounds, socio-economic statuses, abilities and disabilities, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and ages.” This would apply both to websites and social media posts. With the eager complicity of the NDP, Bloc Québécois, and Green parties, Bill C-10 passed 3rd Reading by 196 Yea votes to 112 Nay votes on June 22, 2021. |
Opposed | ![]() |
Bill C-6 - 3rd Reading, to criminalize parents, psychotherapy & spiritual guidance for unwanted sexual feelings Vote on taking away the right of people who experience UNWANTED gender identity confusion or homosexual attraction to be able to obtain clinical therapy or pastoral counseling to help them live according to their faith or to overcome the unwanted sexual feelings. This unconstitutional bill also jails parents up to 5 years for providing body-affirming counselling to their sexually-confused children, or for discouraging a gay lifestyle in contradiction with the family’s religious faith. The totalitarian bill passed 3rd Reading by a vote of 263 to 63 on June 22, 2021. |
Opposed | ![]() |
Bill C-6 - 2nd Reading, to criminalize parents, psychotherapy & spiritual guidance for unwanted sexual feelings Vote on taking away the right of people who experience UNWANTED gender identity confusion or homosexual attraction to be able to obtain clinical therapy or pastoral counseling to help them live according to their faith or to overcome the unwanted sexual feelings. This unconstitutional bill also jails parents up to 5 years for providing body-affirming counselling to their sexually-confused children, or for discouraging a gay lifestyle in contradiction with the family’s religious faith. The totalitarian bill passed 2nd Reading by a vote of 305 to 7 on October 28, 2020. |
Absent | -- |
Bill C-7 - 4th Reading, to expand euthanasia to target more vulnerable people Vote on making it easier for patients to be killed by their doctors by expanding the definition of those eligible to access medical murder. Bill C-7 would eliminate even the "safeguard" of a waiting period prior to a euthanasia killing being carried out, and would reduce the number of witnesses required to observe a third party signing a euthanasia request from two witnesses to only one. In addition, Bill C-7 would not require the immediate consent of persons presently incapable of communicating but who had been previously approved for euthanasia; and would also make those whose death is not even reasonably foreseeable eligible to be killed if they experience what they subjectively consider to be "intolerable" physical or even psychological suffering. After the House of Commons passed Bill C-7 at 3rd Reading in December 2020, the Senate reviewed the bill and, incredibly, made the bill even worse by amending it to permit the killing of non-communicative patients who had previously given advance directives concerning euthanasia (even years before), and to allow the assisted suicide of people experiencing mental illness ALONE, without any physical health problem or ailment whatsoever. Although the final passage of the Bill in the House of Commons at 4th Reading rejected the terrible "advance directive" amendment by the Senate, it did accept the evil principle of assisted suicide for the mentally ill who are not dying or even experiencing any physical suffering. Bill C-7 brings the Trudeau Liberals' euthanasia fetish one step closer to suicide-on-demand. This death-liberalization bill passed 4th Reading by a vote of 180 to 149 on March 11, 2021. |
Opposed | ![]() |
Bill C-7 - 3rd Reading, to expand euthanasia to target more vulnerable people Vote on making it easier for patients to be killed by their doctors by expanding the definition of those eligible to access medical murder. Bill C-7 would eliminate even the "safeguard" of a waiting period prior to a euthanasia killing being carried out, and would reduce the number of witnesses required to observe a third party signing a euthanasia request from two witnesses to only one. In addition, Bill C-7 would not require the immediate consent of persons presently incapable of communicating but who had been previously approved for euthanasia; and would also make those whose death is not even reasonably foreseeable eligible to be killed if they experience what they subjectively consider to be "intolerable" physical or even psychological suffering. This death-liberalization bill passed 3rd Reading by a vote of 213 to 106 on December 10, 2020. |
Opposed | ![]() |
Bill C-7 - 2nd Reading, to expand euthanasia to target more vulnerable people Vote on making it easier for patients to be killed by their doctors by expanding the definition of those eligible to access medical murder. Bill C-7 would eliminate even the "safeguard" of a waiting period prior to a euthanasia killing being carried out, and would reduce the number of witnesses required to observe a third party signing a euthanasia request from two witnesses to only one. In addition, Bill C-7 would not require the immediate consent of persons presently incapable of communicating but who had been previously approved for euthanasia; and would also make those whose death is not even reasonably foreseeable eligible to be killed if they experience what they subjectively consider to be "intolerable" physical or even psychological suffering. This death-liberalization bill passed 2nd Reading by a vote of 246 to 78 on October 29, 2020. |
Opposed | ![]() |
Bill C45 - 3rd reading of a bill to legalize the possession and recreational use of cannabis (commonly known as marijuana). Dubbed the Cannabis Act, this irresponsible bill was introduced on April 13, 2017 by Liberal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould. Though purportedly introduced to help keep marijuana out of the hands of children, Bill C45 would actaully have the opposite effect. The bill would not only legalize the possession of up to 30 grams of cannabis by individuals 18 years of age and over for purely recreational use, but it would also remove any criminal penalties for children aged 12 to 17 who possess up to five grams of marijuana, and would further allow people to freely grow marijuana in their own homes, even if children are present. This would make marijuana more accessible than ever before to children from the hands of possessing adults, and the dramatically increased access and societal acceptance of open marijuana use would excite the appeal and desirability of this dangerous, mind-impairing gateway drug among children and youth. [Vote Nov. 27, 2017 - passed 200 to 82] |
No | ![]() |
Bill C45 - 2nd reading of a bill to legalize the possession and recreational use of cannabis (commonly known as marijuana). Dubbed the Cannabis Act, this irresponsible bill was introduced on April 13, 2017 by Liberal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould. Though purportedly introduced to help keep marijuana out of the hands of children, Bill C45 would actaully have the opposite effect. The bill would not only legalize the possession of up to 30 grams of cannabis by individuals 18 years of age and over for purely recreational use, but it would also remove any criminal penalties for children aged 12 to 17 who possess up to five grams of marijuana, and would further allow people to freely grow marijuana in their own homes, even if children are present. This would make marijuana more accessible than ever before to children from the hands of possessing adults, and the dramatically increased access and societal acceptance of open marijuana use would excite the appeal and desirability of this dangerous, mind-impairing gateway drug among children and youth. [Vote June 8, 2017 - passed 200 to 76] |
Absent or abstained | -- |
Bill C36, third reading: To protect exploited persons from prostitution by criminalizing pimps and the purchase of human beings for sex. After the black-robed activists who sit on the bench of the Supreme Court of Canada struck down our Criminal Code prohibitions against prostitution, the Conservative government put forward this new legislation, modelled on the successful nordic law, to protect women from prostitution and the degradation of communities. The bill passed by a vote of 156 to 124. It is shameful that 124 Members of Parliament voted to protect the evil, exploitative practice of prostitution. [October 6, 2014] |
Absent or abstained | -- |
Bill C14 - 4th reading of a bill to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide (after it was amended by the Senate) The passage of this monstrous Bill, introduced on April 14, 2016 by Liberal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, institutes a killing regime in Canada under which government-approved conditions have been established for putting citizens to death. The innocuous-sounding phrase "medical assistance in dying" has been employed to hide the reality of a remarkably broad state-sponsored killing apparatus that now allows most ordinary Canadians to participate in causing the death of some of C-14's victims. This carefully-constructed, euthemistic phrase "medical assistance in dying" indicates only that medication is to be involved in the actual killing; it does not indicate that a doctor or a nurse must be present to oversee that actual administration of the lethal medication in all cases. Once dispensed, deadly medication can be adminstered by "any person" of the age of majority. Thus, in some circumstances, Bill C-14 goes beyond what the now-obsolete phrase "doctor-assited suicide" envisaged; now, there is not even a requirement for a healthcare professional to witness every euthanasia killing that takes place. [Vote June 16, 2016 - passed 190 to 108] |
No | ![]() |
Bill C14 - 3rd reading of Liberal gvmt bill to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide This horrible Bill, introduced on April 14, 2016 by Justin Trudeau's Liberal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, would institute a killing regime in Canada under which doctors, nurses and even average people assigned by a doctor, will be permitted to kill their patients. The bill uses an innocuous-sounding phrase - medical assistance in dying - to hide the ugly reality of a state-sponsored killing apparatus that would allow most ordinary Canadians to participate in causing the death of their fellow citizens. This reckless bill will lead to wide open euthanasia-on-demand, just as they have in the Netherlands and Belgium where child euthanasia and the killing of depressed persons is permitted. [Passed May 31, 2016 by a vote of 186 Ayes to 137 Nays] |
No | ![]() |
Bill C225 - 2nd reading of 'Cassie & Molly's Law' bill, which would amend the Criminal Code to make it a separate offence to kill or injure a preborn child while committing violent crime against a woman while knowing she is pregnant. It would also add stiff minimum sentences if the unborn child is killed or injured. This excellent Bill, introduced on February 23, 2016 by Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall, and co-sponsored by Conservative MP Rachael Harder, would bridge a terrible gap in Canada’s criminal justice system by increasing respect for the dignity and intrinsic worth of preborn children. [Defeated October 19, 2016 by a vote of 76 Ayes to 209 Nays] |
Yes | ![]() |
Motion 312: Studying Canada's 400 Year Old Definition of Human Being Motion 312 (sponsored by MP Stephen Woodworth) called for parliament to review Subsection 223(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada which states that a child becomes a human being only at the moment of complete birth. |
Absent | -- |
Amendment to protect freedom of conscience for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and healthcare institutions to refuse to participate in euthanasia, either directly or indirectly Conservative MP Michael Cooper proposed this amendment to the Liberal government’s pro-euthanasia Bill C-14, so as to protect the freedoms of conscience and religion for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare workers and institutions to refuse to participate in euthanasia or assisted suicide, either directly by committing the murder, or indirectly by referring the patient to be killed by someone else. Tragically, the common sense amendment was defeated by a vote of 97 Yeas to 222 Nays. Basically, almost all Conservatives voted well, and virtually all Liberals, NDP and Bloc MPs voted to crush freedom of conscience. [May 30, 2016, Vote No. 72] |
Yes | ![]() |
M-221, child protection motion To raise the age of consent for sex from 14 to 16 [Sep 28, 2005] |
Yes | ![]() |
Bill C16 - 2nd reading of a Bill to amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to add "gender identity" and "gender expression" to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination. This totalitarian Bill, introduced by Liberal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould on May 17, 2016, would invent, in law, a new breed of human person out of those suffering from Gender Identity Disorder, and threatens to punish those who refuse to affirm transexualized alter-egos, using the state's dragnet of "hate propaganda". [Passed October 18, 2016 by a vote of 248 Ayes to 40 Nays] |
No | ![]() |
Conservative Motion (Vote #459) to exempt some (but not all) employers from having to sign an attestation in support of Justin Trudeau’s personal, Liberal social values, as a pre-condition to access federal funding to hire students via the Canada Summer Jobs Program. The motion sought to exempt organizations that engage in activities such as feeding the homeless and helping refugees from have to affirm their agreement with Justin Trudeau’s Liberal values. This was a clever trap to get Liberals on record voting to defund organizations that feed the hungry and serve refugees. As far as a political shaming exercise goes, it was effective, with all but one Liberal MP voting to not allow conscientious objection by employers (of a non-political non-activist nature) from having to pledge loyalty to abortion and transgender ideology, in exchange for federal funds. Liberal and NDP MPs voted almost unanimously against the motion, revealing just how radically devoted to in-utero child-killing they are. The shame heaped on those rabidly pro-abortion MPs is well-deserved, and so, Campaign Life Coalition has given them a negative score for this vote. All Conservative MPs who were present voted in favour of the motion. Nonetheless, CLC cannot count this a positive vote because the motion was half-hearted, cowardly, and represented a betrayal of the pro-life movement, surrendering pro-life organizations to continued Liberal tyranny. The motion does not seek to protect ALL Canadian employers from being coerced to pledge fealty to abortion and transgender ideology in exchange for government funding. Another major problem was that implicit in the motion, the Scheer Conservatives gave tacit approval for Justin Trudeau to continue his ideological discrimination against some employers. Namely, those employers who engage in pro-life “political activist work”. Why should Conservatives betray front line workers in the pro-life movement to this Liberal tyranny? Why is it acceptable to violate our constitutional rights to freedom of religion and conscience? Are our rights any less important than those of other employers? It is our tax money that is being distributed too. Our conscience rights are to be respected, as are those of every other Canadian citizen. The Scheer Conservatives threw under the bus, the many front-line pro-life workers in organizations like Campaign Life Coalition, Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform and Toronto Right To Life, who sacrifice so much to save preborn human lives. This motion could have protected all Canadians, but the Conservatives chose not to protect us all from Justin Trudeau’s ideological coercion. As a pro-life party Leader, Andrew Scheer could also have chosen to use this motion to advance debate on abortion and the right to life. Instead, he passed up that opportunity by carefully avoiding any mention of the word “abortion” in the motion itself, as well as in any comments made by himself or other MPs. It seems reasonable to conclude that orders were given by Scheer’s office that Conservative MPs must not mention the A-word. This represents a second betrayal. For this reason, Yes votes by Conservative MPs have been scored as neutral. [Vote March 19, 2018 - defeated 207 to 93] |
Yes | -- |
Motion 12, Re-open debate on definition of marriage [Dec 2006] |
Yes | ![]() |
C-38, A bill to abolish the true definition of marriage [June 28, 2005] |
No | ![]() |
Bill C279 - 3rd reading of 'transgender & transsexual' empowerment bill which added the radical concepts of "gender identity" and "gender expression" to the Human Rights Act and Criminal Code. This radical private members bill by NDP Randal Garrison sought to invent a counterfeit right to "gender expression" and "gender identity" in the Canadian Human Rights Act. Dubbed "the bathroom bill" by critics, this change in law would put women and young girls at greater risk from bathroom attacks by sexual predators and from peeping toms. It will create a legal right for men who identify as the opposite sex, to use female washrooms and change rooms - a form of "gender expression". Critics point out this radical departure from social norms will provide a convenient excuse for male sexual predators to get in close quarters with potential female victims by cross-dressing or pretending to be "transgendered". It would also create a legal nightmare for businesses and Christian charities that would be required to allow staff to cross-dress in the work place. Furthermore, this would harm youth by cooperating with mental illness and encouraging sexually-confused young men to perceive themselves as women, and vice versa. It will also open the door for radical activists to insist that transgenderism & transsexualism must be inserted in school curriculum and taught in classrooms as something that is normal, natural and healthy. [Vote March 20, 2013 - passed 150 to 137] |
Absent | -- |
C-484, Unborn victims of Crime Act Common sense legislation that would allow criminal charges to be laid in the death or injury of an unborn child when the childs mother is the victim of violent crime. This cannot be considered a "pro-life" bill because it specifically excludes deliberate acts of abortion by the woman. Nonetheless, it is a good "pro-family" bill because it protects women and their wanted children from violent crime. (Mar5/08) |
Yes | ![]() |
C-313, Age of Consent child protection bill Raised the age of consent for sex from 14 to 16 [Sep 28, 2005] |
Yes | ![]() |
Bill C279 - 2nd reading, to add "gender identity" and "gender expression" to the Human Rights Act and Criminal Code. This radical private members bill by NDP Randal Garrison would invent a counterfeit right to "gender expression" and "gender identity" in the Canadian Human Rights Act. Dubbed "the bathroom bill" by critics, this change in law would put women and young girls at greater risk from bathroom attacks by sexual predators and from peeping toms. It will create a legal right for men who identify as the opposite sex, to use female washrooms and change rooms - a form of "gender expression". Critics point out this radical departure from social norms will provide a convenient excuse for male sexual predators to get in close quarters with potential female victims by cross-dressing or pretending to be "transgendered". It would also create a legal nightmare for businesses and Christian charities that would be required to allow staff to cross-dress in the work place. Furthermore, this would harm youth by cooperating with mental illness and encouraging sexually-confused young men to perceive themselves as women, and vice versa. It will also open the door for radical activists to insist that transgenderism & transsexualism must be inserted in school curriculum and taught in classrooms as something that is normal, natural and healthy. [Vote June 6, 2012 - passed 150 to 132] |
Absent | -- |
Survey on awarding Order of Canada to Henry Morgentaler Do you agree with awarding the Order of Canada to abortionist Henry Morgentaler? (July 2008) |
No | ![]() |
Bill C389, to add "gender identity" and "gender expression" to the Human Rights Act and Criminal Code. This radical bill would endanger women and children by creating a legal right for men who "identify" as the opposite sex, to use female public washrooms. Male sexual predators or peeping toms will certainly use this as an opening to enter the girl's washroom. It is unconscionable for legislators to put women and children in such a compromising position. It will also create a legal nightmare for businesses that will be required to allow staff to cross-dress in the work place. Furthermore, this harms youth by cooperating with mental illness and encouraging sexually confused young men to perceive themselves as women, and vice versa. [November 2, 2010, Justice Committee Vote] |
No | ![]() |
Bill C-384, Legalize euthanasia & assisted suicide A horrible bill that would have given doctors permission to kill people who are seriously ill but not dying and who in fact, have a treatable condition. Doctors would also have been permitted to kill people suffering with treatable chronic depression. This bill was defeated on second reading, 59 votes in favour to 228 votes Against. [Apr 21, 2010] |
No | ![]() |
Bill C-510, to protect pregnant women from coercion to abort This private member's bill by Conservative MP Rod Bruinooge, also called Roxanne's Law, was a common sense bill to protect women and their unborn children from coercion to abort. Abortion coercion by boyfriends, husbands, relatives and even physicians is very common in Canada. Unfortunately, the bill was defeated in 2nd reading by a vote of 97 to 178. [December 15, 2010] |
Yes | ![]() |
Bill C-304, 2nd Reading - to repeal the censorship provision (Sect 13) of the Canadian Human Rights Act This clause enables Human Rights Tribunals to abuse their power by acting as 'thought police' to opress freedom of speech and freedom of conscience. They usually target Christians who hold to biblical moral teachings, especially in the area of homosexuality. For example, the Catholic Bishop of Calgary was dragged before an HRC kangaroo court for merely issuing a pastoral letter in which he reiterated his Church's teaching against homosexual conduct. This vote passed 158-131. (Feb 15, 2012 ) |
Absent | -- |
Bill C-304, 3rd reading - to repeal the censorship provision (Sect 13) of the Canadian Human Rights Act Section 13 enables Human Rights Tribunals to abuse their power by acting as 'thought police' to opress freedom of speech and freedom of conscience. They usually target Christians who hold to biblical moral teachings, especially in the area of homosexuality. For example, the Catholic Bishop of Calgary was dragged before an HRC kangaroo court for merely issuing a pastoral letter in which he reiterated his Church's teaching against homosexual conduct. This vote passed 153-136. (June 6, 2012 ) |
Absent | -- |

Here are quotes from Andrew Scheer on various life and family issues:
On C-38, a bill that would abolishing the true definition of marriage & undermine the traditional family: "[The Bill] is abhorrent to me, to other Catholics and to every member of every faith community … I will, therefore, be voting against this bill … I am proud to be able to do so." [Hansard transcript, Apr 5, 2005]
Highlighting the contradiction between Scheer's stated pro-life principles and his silence on abortion: "... to date, the Conservative leader has not promised to re-open the abortion debate in Canada. However in 2016 in a parliamentary debate over medically assisted death, Scheer stated that 'upholding the principle of the sanctity of life is our job'".
[The Georgia Straight, "Social conservatives see opportunity to re-open abortion debate with Andrew Scheer as opposition leader," Aug 21, 2018]
On awarding arch-abortionist Henry Morgentaler with the Order of Canada: "I am greatly disappointed that Canada's highest civilian honour has been politicized and debased by this appointment... Morgentaler has been a central figure in a very divisive and emotional debate. Far from uniting Canadians with feelings of pride and appreciation, there is a significant portion of the population who will be outraged by this decision." [, Jul. 11, 2008]

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Andrew Scheer on 2021.
Question | Response |
Do you believe that life begins at conception (fertilization)? | no response |
Do you support the conscience rights of health care professionals to refuse to do or refer for medical procedures which they oppose? | no response |
If elected, would you vote in favour of a law to protect all unborn children from the time of conception (fertilization) onward? | no response |
If elected, will you vote to pass laws protecting people from euthanasia and assisted-suicide, and vote to reject laws that would expand euthanasia and assisted-suicide? | no response |
Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion? (note: Medical treatments to save the life of a mother and which result in the UNINTENDED death of her unborn child, are NOT abortions. Eg. in case of tubal pregnancy or cervical cancer) | no response |

Here are the videos available for Andrew Scheer.
Video #1 - Scheer supports anti-marriage policy
Video #2 - Scheer speaks in a way that can be interpreted there's a constitutional basis for abortion
In this CBC interview, Scheer greatly disappoints social conservatives, stating that his government would not re-open the debate on abortion or marriage, and speaks in a way that can be interpreted that Scheer himself believes there is a constitutional basis for an alleged 'right' to abortion:
Scheer says he will vote against any pro-life bill or motion that might get introduced in Parliament:
After homosexual activists deleted support for the true definition of marriage from the Conservative Party’s policy handbook, Scheer implied that he supported the anti-family resolution and that it was the right way to go because it’s “the law of the land”. The CPAC reporter even references an off-camera conversation with Scheer in which the reporter apparently understood Scheer as having told him that he has "come around to a different position" on marriage. Scheer is interviewed right after MP Michelle Rempel (time mark 1:04):