Voting Records

Candidate, Raphael Rosch

Ontario Party, Scarborough Centre, ON


Raphael Rosch
CLC rating: Pro-life, pro-family
Rating Comments: Raphael gave perfect answers to CLC's election questionnaire during previous campaigns. He is well known to the pro-life movement.
Percentage in last election: 0.9% (2022)
Victory margin last election: -35.1% (2022)
Religion / Faith: Christian


Raphael Rosch
Parliamentary Office
Constituency Offices Scarborough, Ontario
M1R 2Z4
Raphael Rosch

Here is Raphael Rosch's voting record relating to life and family issues:

Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision Vote Score
Explicit 2010/2015 sex education curriculum
The Ontario Liberal government of Kathleen Wynne & Dalton McGuinty introduced a sex ed curriculum for the 2010 school year that would have forced public & Catholic elementary schools to encourage masturbation, celebrate homosexuality and gender identity confusion, and teach about anal and oral intercourse. The curriculum sought to give gay-positive teaching on homosexual relationships by Grade 3. In Grade 5 children would be taught that homosexuality is inborn and cannot be changed, a claim that has no scientific backing whatsoever. In Grade 6 it would give instructions on the pleasures of masturbation and discussed vaginal lubrication. In grade 7 children would be taught about "oral" and "anal sex". Thanks to public outcry from parents and religious leaders, this dangerous curriculum was "postponed" by the government. However, once Kathleen Wynne received a strong Liberal majority and the threat of an election was past, she announced that the controversial curriculum would be implemented in September 2015. Since the original preview of the curriculum in 2010, it has come to light that it was written under the direction of a man, Benjamin Levin, who has confessed to child pornography related charges. That makes sense given the explicit, age-inappropriate nature of the curriculum. It is feared by many parents and education observers that the curriculum may have been designed to 'groom' children so as to make them available for sex. Other parties with whom the Liberal government consulted to formulate this program included radical gay activists groups like Gay Ontario (now Queer Ontario) and Egale Canada. [Jan. 2010-present]
Opposes ok
Position on the right of parents to withdraw kids from classroom lessons that parents view as morally inappropriate or controversial.
Supports ok
Position on de-funding of abortion services
Opposes ok
Life & family issues voting score: 100%
Raphael Rosch

There are no quotes for Raphael Rosch at this time.

Raphael Rosch

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Raphael Rosch on 2013.

Question Response
Do you acknowledge that human life begins at conception (fertilization)? Yes
Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion? If yes, please explain.

*A surgical or medical intervention, designed to prevent the death of the mother (e.g. In the case of tubal pregnancy or cervical cancer) but which results in the unintended and undesired death of the pre-born child, is not an abortion.
Would you support measures to delist medically unnecessary, elective abortions from the list of insured services covered by OHIP? Yes (based on previous surverys)
Do you agree women have the right to be thoroughly informed about the serious health consequences of abortion, the development of the child in the womb and the alternatives to abortion? Yes
Would you vote in favor of repealing the Ontario "bubble zone" censorship law? This unconstitutional law criminalizes peaceful pro-life expression, including silent prayer, on taxpayer-owned public sidewalks within 50 metres (or more) of any abortion facility. --
Will you protect parental rights in education by working to ensure that traditionally principled parents are given advance notice of, and the ability to withdraw their children from, classroom lessons and presentations dealing with abortion, contraception, homosexuality, and transgenderism? Yes (based on previous surverys)
Would you support efforts to repeal the age-inappropriate, graphic, sex-ed curriculum which is currently being taught throughout Ontario schools? Yes (based on previous surverys)
If elected, will you vote to reject laws that would expand euthanasia and assisted-suicide and instead, promote palliative care, the purpose of which is to alleviate pain, and enhance the quality of life until natural death for terminally ill patients, and for those with disabilities?

*Euthanasia is the direct and intentional killing of a person by action or omission, with or without the consent of that person, for what people mistakenly believe are compassionate reasons.
Yes (based on previous surverys)
Will you support legislation to protect the right of health care workers who refuse to participate in procedures which are in violation of their religious or conscientious beliefs? Yes
Raphael Rosch

There are no videos available for Raphael Rosch.

  • Legend for Light Rating System
  • Green Light
    GREEN light means the person supports CLC principles and is rated as SUPPORTABLE
  • Red Light
    RED light means the person is NOT SUPPORTABLE
  • Amber Light
    AMBER light means voters should be cautious about the candidate. CLC is still evaluating this individual, does not have enough data, or their record is mixed. View their quotes & voting history to help you decide.