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‘I AM’: Powerful 2022 National March for Life theme revealed

February 18, 2022 (Campaign Life Coalition) – In case you missed it last week, Campaign Life Coalition revealed the theme for the upcoming May 12 National March for Life in Ottawa. It’s powerful and I think you’ll love it.

The theme is “I AM.”

It is drawn from the Scriptural quote “I AM fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14)


Our Vice President Matthew Wojciechowski pointed out the significance of the phrase “I AM” during the Feb. 10 live-streamed event launching the theme.

“‘I AM’ speaks to the baby in the womb who is, who exists. ‘I AM’ speaks to the mother and child who exist, who need to be protected and uplifted to choose life,” he said.

“‘I AM’ the person with special needs who needs to be accompanied, who needs to be assisted with life, supported, encouraged, loved. And ‘I AM’ the elderly, the sick, the vulnerable, those people who are being told by society that they don't matter anymore, that we don't want them. They exist and they have value up until the moment of their natural death,” he added.

As we wrote on our March for Life website, “‘I AM’ is a claim to existence – an assertion that says ‘I AM here! Notice me!”

“It is a challenge to those who are ‘pro-choice’ to see the preborn, to recognize them. It is a challenge to those who are pro-life to remember for whom we fight, whose lives are at stake. It is a challenge to all of us to ask ourselves what other existences we might be overlooking—those of mothers in crisis pregnancies, the elderly, or disabled—and to respond by affirming their presence, their humanity.”

Our youth coordinator Josie Luetke also noted that the theme “I AM” is powerful since it refers to a Biblical name of God.

“It's the name of God, revealed to Moses and the Hebrews when He was freeing them from slavery,” she said

“And, it is very relevant today because we are also in bondage: we are in bondage to the culture of death and we need to be liberated from sin. The name of God has so much power. So, we invoke it in calling for freedom in Canada,” she added.

As we wrote on our March for Life website regarding this, “3600 years later [after God appeared to Moses in the burning bush], the world finds itself in bondage again, through the scourge of abortion and euthanasia. Under the illusion of ‘freedom of choice,’ we have become slaves to sin. There is only one path through the ‘Red Sea’ of the Culture of Death – and that is following the path of the Great ‘I AM,’ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life!”

Every year, thousands of Canadians rally on Parliament Hill to demand justice for pre-born children targeted for abortion. We as pro-life Canadians want these children to be protected by law. No one should have the right to kill another person. A baby in the womb is certainly a person. “A person is a person, no matter how small,” as Dr. Seuss once wrote. 

There is no right to abortion in Canada. Abortion is permitted throughout all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason or no reason whatsoever, up to the moment of birth. An estimated 100,000 children are aborted every year in our country. The pro-life movement has always been about defending the sanctity of every human life, from conception until natural death, because everyone is lovingly made in the image and likeness of God.

Debbie Duval, our National Capital Organizer, reminded everyone tuned into the live-stream event that prayer is a "key component to changing the hearts and the minds of the population and politicians."

"We need to pray and act. The March for Life needs to be lifted up in prayer by bishops and pastors and ministers all across the country. We have to come together as a people of faith who all share our pro-life mission," she said. 

So, please join us in praying for the success of the National March for Life.

I hope to see you on May 12th on Parliament Hill! Start planning now!
