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CLC Blog

Canadian city doesn’t want residents to know what a 'woman' is

August 10, 2023 (Campaign Life Coalition) – It appears that the Ontario City of Hamilton doesn’t want residents to know what a “woman” is.

Last month, the City voted to ban an ad for placement in Hamilton’s bus shelters that showed a modestly dressed young lady and a caption reading, ‘Woman: An Adult Female’. Beneath the caption were the words “bringing respect for life and truth to Canadian politics” along with the logo of the ad’s creator, the Christian Heritage Party (CHP), a federal party in Canada. The ad comes on the heels of the wildly successful documentary by Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire addressing this topic which has been viewed almost 200 million times on Twitter.

CHP leader Rod Taylor explained on Twitter what the ban signified. “The City of Hamilton is robbing Canadians of their right to political dialogue. City of Hamilton has decreed that CHP cannot promote the definition of WOMAN on their publicly owned bus shelters.”

The city explained in a July 6 17-page ruling that it banned the ad because it worried about causing “harm” to biological males who ride the transit system dressed and identifying as female.

“Imagine a transgender woman preparing to board a bus, only to be confronted with a message that denies her identity and devalues her lived experience. As the foregoing evidence suggests, the psychological harm caused by such an explicit public rejection of her identity could be significant, potentially inciting feelings of exclusion, shame, or even fear for personal safety. Such a hostile environment could discourage her from using our transit system altogether, disrupting her daily life and access to our City's services,” explained the city, using pronouns that don’t match such a person’s biological reality.

The fact is that gender ideology, which falsely holds that males can become females and females can become males, is what is causing serious harm to real women and every nation that has bought into this delusion.

Biological males who believe they are women and who are powerfully backed by gender identity and gender expression laws have taken over female spaces everywhere. They’ve dominated women in female sports. They’ve beaten them in female beauty competitions. They’ve raped women in female-only prisons. They’ve assaulted them in female shelters. They’ve taken advantage of women in female change rooms, bathrooms, and shower rooms. They’ve managed to convince many by the most perverse and insane logic that men are better at being women than women themselves. And, many nod their heads in agreement, calling it “progress,” “forward-thinking,” and “human rights.”

The nations that have gone along with this insanity, enshrining this delusion in their laws, are guilty of not only trying to erase the biological and sociological differences between males and females, differences upon which civilizations for millennia have been founded and have flourished, but they are guilty of trying to erase women themselves. Transgenderism is a full-out assault against women. There are some, like Harry Potter author JK Rowling who realize this and who are fighting back, but many women do not appear to realize that their sex, their identity, and their very place in society, are on the chopping block. And, the City of Hamilton has now joined so many others in swinging the axe by banning this beautifully simple ad which declares the biological truth that a woman is an adult female.

And, notice what else is on the chopping block when a nation goes down this delusional rabbit hole: free speech. By banning this ad, the city is certainly infringing on the rights of citizens to speak their minds when it comes to crucial issues like the human binary. You can’t get any more basic than the biological fact that humans are created as male and female. Tyrants and despots might try to muzzle citizens who speak this truth, but this will never erase the truth itself. And, the truth always wins in the end. It sets people free.

The CHP announced this week that it has launched a court challenge against the City of Hamilton, filing a Notice of Application for Judicial Review with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Divisional Court). CHP Canada has retained the law firm Acacia Group as legal counsel for this case. The CHP already has a track record of success when it comes to defending the right to speak in the public square. In 2016, the CHP successfully challenged the City of Hamilton’s ban on an ad that showed a male pushing open a door with a sign that read, “LADIES SHOWERS” and a caption that read, “Competing Human Rights . . . Where is the Justice?” While the city saw the ad as discriminatory and transphobic, a 3-judge panel at the Judicial Review process unanimously sided with the CHP and against the city.

It’s time for all of us to take a stand for real women, the absolutely necessary adult females in our society, who are being assaulted on every side.
