News & Analysis

Anti-life, anti-family record of Ontario's Liberal government

Published: June 10, 2014


The PC Leader Tim Hudak and the NDP's Andrea Horwath have been less than stellar in opposing the Liberal government’s assault on Judeo-Christian principles.  At times in fact, Hudak, has been fully complicit (e.g. transsexual Bathroom Bill 33), while Horwath has given full-throated support to the Liberals' anti-family, anti-life agenda.

Nonetheless, it is breathtaking to behold the damage caused by the Liberal government over the past 11 years. Under the McGuinty/Wynne regime, legislation was secretly passed in 2010 which hid abortion statistics from the public, even under a Freedom of Information request. By Liberal edict, Ontarians are no longer permitted to know the number of abortions, committed in the province, nor their cost.

Both Wynne and McGuinty describe themselves as “pro-choice” on the issue of dismembering children in the womb.

Under Kathleen Wynne’s direction as Minister of Education, a homosexualized curriculum agenda was imposed on all schools, including Catholic. This was first achieved through Wynne’s euphemistically-named Equity & Inclusive Education Strategy, and subsequently through Bill 13. The latter codified Wynne’s gay equity agenda into law.  

One component of this Strategy was the 2010 explicit sex ed curriculum for early grades, which was written under Kathleen Wynne’s direction as then-Minister of Education. This curriculum was subsequently rebuffed by outraged parents and religious leaders who were disgusted by lessons which encouraged masturbation to elementary school kids, and by age-inappropriate discussions on oral and anal sex. Interestingly, the Equity Strategy was also written under the direction of an accused child pornographer, Mr. Benjamin Levin, who was Wynne's Deputy Education Minister at the time.  Wynne also made Benjamin Levin a member of her Leadership transition team after she was selected to succeed Dalton McGuinty.

Bill 13 drastically undercut parental rights & religious freedom in Ontario schools. The tyrannical legislation even forced Catholic schools to accept student-led, homosexual-activist clubs, severely undermining Catholic moral teaching. 

The legislation also made it mandatory for all schools to teach the dangerous philosophical ideology of "Gender Identity". This theory instructs children to believe that being male or female has nothing to do with their biological reality. According to the theory, male and female are merely “social constructs”, changeable based on personal preference or “feelings”.

The Wynne/McGuinty administration has devastated parental rights to direct the moral education of their own children. For example, school boards in Hamilton and Toronto are now pointing to Bill 13 as justification for refusing to give parents advance notice of classroom lessons that undermine the family's religious beliefs.  At one point, Wynne's successor as Education Minister, Leona Dombrowsky, pointed to Bill 13 as giving the Liberal government the power to ban Catholic teaching against abortion... in Catholic schools!

Premier Kathleen Wynne has also signalled her support for giving doctors the power to kill their patients through euthanasia and assisted suicide, in a comment regarding Quebec's euthanasia Bill 52.