CLC Blog

CLC Blog

Big Pro-Family Win in Saskatchewan

We all really need to take a moment to thank God for an historic pro-family win in Saskatchewan last Friday, under the government of Premier Scott Moe.

Given the speed at which our society has been sliding down the slippery slope of moral and spiritual decay, I honestly had my doubts anything like this were possible. Eight years into the “Trudeau era” of more killing (by abortion and euthanasia) and more pride (in sexual deviancy and gender bending), my hopes were not very high that the tide could be turned – but turned it has!

Despite vociferous opposition from pro-LGBT politicians and their media darlings, Saskatchewan handily passed its flagship Parents’ Bill of Rights, which recognizes the right of parents to “act as the primary decision-maker with respect to the pupil’s education”.

Saskatchewan Flag

This came on the heels of a policy review in New Brunswick that established parental consent for student name and pronoun changes in public schools. Saskatchewan not only chose to follow New Brunswick’s lead, but it went a big step further. Premier Moe’s law enshrines a broad array of parental rights, and it has secured those rights using the Notwithstanding Clause of the Canadian Constitution.

The Saskatchewan Parents’ Bill of Rights ensures parental authority is respected, family values are prioritized over state values, and students are better protected from falling prey to LGBT grooming and woke ideological nonsense. And because of its invocation of the Notwithstanding Clause, this law is shielded from the whims of unelected activist judges who might try to label it “transphobic”.

This is a law we need to see replicated in every single province and territory across the country.

So let's take some time to celebrate! We have gained an incredible victory for the family, and a decisive defeat for the LGBT lobby in Saskatchewan. The momentum is on our side, and it is building! And all of us at Campaign Life Coalition are grateful to our supporters for the part you played in this win.

Over 4,500 of you signed our petition to Premier Moe. Scores of you sent emails and made phone calls to Saskatchewan MLAs. And, by God’s grace, what a difference you made!

Thank you for your help, your prayers, and your financial support. Let’s look ahead and work towards the next big win!
