In February of 2015, Campaign Life Coalition produced an extremely popular online analysis of Kathleen Wynne’s controversial Sex Education curriculum. This online analysis was instrumental in educating thousands of Ontario parents about the dangers of the Liberal government’s radical sex program.
It also motivated and empowered them to fight against the sexualisation and sexual confusion of early grade children, which is so ingrained in the Liberal program. The web page has been liked over 6,000 times, shared widely, and cited by parents, activists, bloggers and journalists. It has also been translated into several languages with more on the way.
Now, CLC is proud to launch a brand new print resource to help grow parental awareness across Ontario. The new print resource is in a handy, full-colour, tri-fold pamphlet format, making it an excellent handout, mailbox stuffer or church bulletin insert. It is a small, concise resource with penetrating insights into the problems associated with this curriculum. It has also been translated into numerous languages.
Please read the new print resource in pdf format by clicking the respective images below. To order multiple copies contact our office at 416-204-9749, or 1-800-730-5358.
For an even more comprehensive analysis, including excerpts from the actual government document, read our online analysis here.