CLC Blog

CLC Blog
Before Jordan Peterson they came after Michael Del Grande
Before Jordan Peterson they came after Michael Del Grande
Posted on: November 10, 2023 @ 1:49pm By: Jack Fonseca
Many Canadians have heard about the political persecution of Dr. Jordan Peterson. In 2023, the College of Psychologists of Ontario investigated allegations of “misconduct”, the start of a process that could end up stripping Peterson of his license as a clinical psychologist. But did you realize ...
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Say NO to Hamilton’s censorship bylaw
Say NO to Hamilton’s censorship bylaw
Posted on: November 9, 2023 @ 8:55am By: Jeff Gunnarson
Some people – including members of Hamilton City Council - don’t want the truth to be known. They want evil deeds to remain shrouded in secrecy, so they can continue, unhindered by the scrutiny of clear-headed citizens who are able to see the truth in full light.
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Stand with Josh Alexander
Stand with Josh Alexander
Posted on: November 8, 2023 @ 9:45am By: Jack Fonseca
Josh Alexander is about to face off against the Catholic School Board that had him arrested and thrown out of school, and he can sure use your moral support. The stakes here are high, because if he wins, it’s both a victory for free speech and religious freedom, and a personal victory for Josh who’ll be able to return to high school after an unjust expulsion.If he loses …
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Increasing Canada’s population to 100M by 2100? Banning abortion would help
Increasing Canada’s population to 100M by 2100? Banning abortion would help
Posted on: November 1, 2023 @ 2:26pm By: Pete Baklinski
"A country that aborts its children is killing its future."
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Our recommendation for UCP Board elections
Our recommendation for UCP Board elections
Posted on: October 31, 2023 @ 10:47am By: Jack Fonseca
Campaign Life Coalition’s picks now available
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An amazing opportunity with the UCP’s AGM
An amazing opportunity with the UCP’s AGM
Posted on: October 27, 2023 @ 10:14am By: Jack Fonseca
I’m really excited about something, and you might be in a position to help CLC capitalize on it... It has to do with next week’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the United Conservative Party of Alberta (UCP).
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ROE Canada is about to roll out
ROE Canada is about to roll out
Posted on: October 26, 2023 @ 12:05pm By: Matt Wojciechowski
We have some exciting news about the upcoming ROE Canada documentary from DunnMedia & Entertainment.
Private screenings for the highly-anticipated new film by director Kevin Dunn will start soon across the country...
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Alberta Needs a Parents’ Bill of Rights
Alberta Needs a Parents’ Bill of Rights
Posted on: October 25, 2023 @ 10:13am By: David Cooke
Alberta needs to pass its own version of Saskatchewan’s parental rights law. The time to stand up for parents and children is now.
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Fighting for Parental Rights: Can your provincial rep follow their example?
Fighting for Parental Rights: Can your provincial rep follow their example?
Posted on: October 25, 2023 @ 8:35am By: Jack Fonseca
I have some encouraging pro-family news to share with you from one of the unlikeliest places in Canada. British Columbia (aka, the “Left Coast”) is a hot bed of progressive, socialist policies, led by a radical NDP government. However, there are good people in the province who’ve emerged to fight the good fight. Let me tell you about two of them.
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Big Pro-Family Win in Saskatchewan
Big Pro-Family Win in Saskatchewan
Posted on: October 23, 2023 @ 3:23pm By: David Cooke
Despite vociferous opposition from pro-LGBT politicians and their media darlings, Saskatchewan handily passed its flagship Parents’ Bill of Rights, which recognizes the right of parents to “act as the primary decision-maker with respect to the pupil’s education”.
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