Youth Blog

Youth Blog
“Take a Break” from Michelle Wolf
“Take a Break” from Michelle Wolf
Posted on: July 12, 2018 - 11:26am
The pro-abortion movement has continuously branded pro-life activists as being anti-woman, however that cannot be farther from the truth!
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3 Things Doug Ford’s Win Will Hopefully Mean For Ontario
3 Things Doug Ford’s Win Will Hopefully Mean For Ontario
Posted on: June 12, 2018 - 4:07pm
Flare, self-described as “Canada’s Fashion Magazine,” recently put out an article titled, “3 Things Doug Ford’s Win May Mean for Millennial Women.” They should really just stick to fashion.
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Let African children be African
Let African children be African
Posted on: March 28, 2018 - 2:47pm
Believe it or not, the children in Africa are actually African. They are not Western, they are not European and they are not North American
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Reflection on the 45th US March for Life
Reflection on the 45th US March for Life
Posted on: January 26, 2018 - 2:47pm
I’ve been to the March for Life seven times in Canada, and now twice in the United States. It’s always an amazing experience to be surrounded by thousands of other passionate pro-lifers, because I’m so used to feeling like I’m just one in a handful of people in my community who are actually bothered by this colossal human rights violation. It’s for this reason that the US March for Life has somewhat of a leg up on Canada’s; it’s just so much bigger, with so many more people, so this feeling of being a part of something so much larger than oneself is all the more intense.
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The Pro-Life Philosophy
The Pro-Life Philosophy
Posted on: January 9, 2018 - 9:29am
There are two choices before us: The culture of life, in which life is always considered sacred and difficult circumstances are met with hope and genuine compassion, or the culture of death, in which people are valued insomuch as they can contribute something and difficult circumstances are met with hopelessness and defeat. The culture of life says that “life is always worthy of life,” while the culture of death conceives of times when, as the Nazis put it, there is “life unworthy of life.”
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Pro-Life Moments in Hip-Hop
Pro-Life Moments in Hip-Hop
Posted on: August 16, 2017 - 3:31pm
It is rare to come across pop culture icons or pop musicians who share a pro-life message. However, we can be grateful to these Hip-Hop artists for making it clear abortion is killing the unborn. Award winning and multi-platinum selling artists such J. Cole, Common and Lauryn Hill all give insight to abortion experiences they have witnessed, or experiences they’ve encountered themselves through these songs.
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Chemical abortions, have fun paying for it!
Chemical abortions, have fun paying for it!
Posted on: August 14, 2017 - 12:33pm
It is unbelievable to see that government leaders are calling this policy a win for human and women’s rights
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Question 4: Men and Abortion
Question 4: Men and Abortion
Posted on: July 25, 2017 - 4:03pm
As part of my Men on Abortion blog series I have conducted interviews to understand what some men have to say about abortion. This is the fourth question of many that will be answered.

How would having your significant other choose abortion affect you?
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A Word to Omar Khadr and Justin Trudeau
A Word to Omar Khadr and Justin Trudeau
Posted on: July 21, 2017 - 11:52am
In response to the controversy generated from the awarding of over $10 million to Omar Khadr, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, “The Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects all Canadians, every one of us, even when it is uncomfortable.”

Yet again, Justin Trudeau, you are wrong and hypocritical. The Charter doesn’t actually, in effect, protect all Canadians.
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Question 3: Men and Abortion
Question 3: Men and Abortion
Posted on: July 11, 2017 - 9:19am
As part of my Men on Abortion blog series I have conducted interviews to understand what some men have to say about abortion. This is the third question of many that will be answered.

What would be your role during a crisis pregnancy?
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